
Journal «Science and School», № 6, 2023 year


Philology (5.9)


Tairova I. A., Sharyafetdinov R. Kh. Representation of musical traditions in written artifacts of the Ancient East

Uryupin I. S. The Nadsonian motif in the “first poem” by I. A. Bunin and M. Gorky

Chen Shanshan. The author, protagonist, and narrator in the 1960s works of A. Bitov



Larina A. V. On the issue of the Russian media system transformation

Tiunina E. V. Audience interest and audience engagement: differences and problems of assessment

Chudnovsky M. A. M. A. Bulgakov’s journalistic activity in the “Gudok” newspaper


Pedagogics (5.8)


Grigorieva I. I., Guzeeva D. A., Osipova O. P., Savenkova E. V., Trubina L. A., Ushkin K. A. Identification and analysis of trends in the development of pedagogical examination as a method of verification of draft regulatory acts affecting educational issues

Ilaltdinova E. Yu., Egorova A. V., Kovyteva A. A. The current state of work with children and adolescents in residential clubs in the Russian Federation: organizational and institutional peculiarities

Kagarmanova A. I., Putina O. V. Value orientations of students: approaches to forming the “Foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia” by means of the subject area



Medvedeva N. V. Educational and academic text as a means of developing the cognitive and communicative potential of the future bilingual teacher of the Russian language

Tkalich S. K. A new format of an educational project with foreign students in the master’s programme of a pedagogical university

Chertov V. F., Erokhina E. L., Getmanskaya E. V. Strategies for developing a teacher’s soft skills: problems and prospects of research

Shiryaev S. D., Lobanov A. V. Comparative analysis of the dynamics of chemistry teachers subject training in the largest pedagogical universities in Russia



Varnavskiy S. N. Development of educational and methodological material on the formation of citizenship of conscripted military personnel in the framework of military-political training

Vetokhin A. N., Deza E. I., Model D. L. On the place of combinatorics in the mathematical training of schoolchildren

Dmitriev Yu. A., Kotikov D. V. Formation of senior preschoolers’ ideas about the safe use of household appliances

Kvashnina D. S. Criteria of the formation of an academic linguistic picture of the world of Grade 6 students

Yan Lei. Virtual excursions in the process of teaching a foreign language and their didactic potential



Antropova M. Yu., Martynova M. A., Borovikova M. V. Specific training of discursive words in the course of RFL

Velikanova E. A., Urvantseva N. G. Russian poetry in a foreign audience: poem by A. S. Pushkin “Thou and you”

Grankina L. A. Teaching Russian in a modern comprehensive school and the factor of bilingualism: topical problems of modern linguodidactics

Komatsu Mami. Objective and subjective difficulties in using the Russian verb aspects for Japanese students

Lwin N. N. The process of mastering the skills of ethno-oriented teaching the Russian language using the example of the experience of teachers from Myanmar



Voishcheva E. L., Zakharova M. A. Primary school children socialization: in search of potential opportunities of the digital education environment

Zubrilin K. M., Razdobarina L. A., Slyusareva A. E. Formation of functional literacy of schoolchildren by means of fine arts

Zyryanova I. M., Gelver S. A. Organization of independent work of first-year chemistry students of an engineering university in the digital environment of Moodle