
Regulations on reviewing the scientific articles published in the journal "Science and School"

Regulations on reviewing the scientific articles published in the journal "Science and School"

1. For publication in the journal "Science and School" the following materials are accepted: scientific articles, which represent the main results of the research conducted by the author/authors; scientific reviews. The materials should conform to one of the scientific fields (according to branches of science), which determines the journal profile.

2. The manuscript is accepted for examination, if it is written in accordance with the requirements for submitted manuscripts.

3. The administration of the editorial staff sends the manuscript for reviewing to member/members of the editorial board according to the scientific areas of the journal. In their absence in the case of a contentious paper or in case when the article is received from a member of the editorial board or a member of the editorial team, the Chief Editor (Deputy Chief Editor) sends the manuscript for reviewing to external reviewers.

4. All our reviewers are acknowledged experts in corresponding scientific fields and have published papers in the area of reviewed paper within the last three years.

5. Before sending the material for review, it is checked with the program "Anti-plagiarism". Detection of a big amount (>15%) of borrowings implies rejection of the material.

6. The journal follows the rules of double "blind" (anonymous) review. Interaction of authors and reviewers is implemented only through the editorial staff. 

7. Reviewers must follow ethical requirements Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

8. Thereviewshouldreflect:

⦁ relevance of the theme and originality of its disclosure;

⦁ the most important aspects of the article, its theoretical and/or practical significance;

⦁ validity of the conclusions formulated by the authors;

⦁ correct use of the mathematical apparatus;

⦁ clarity and understandability for the narrative style;

⦁ completeness and correctness of the list of used sources.

In the final part of the review a clear recommendation of its publication as presented or about the need for its modification and processing of the following formulations has to be made:

⦁ to recommend the manuscript for the publication;

⦁ to recommend the manuscript for the publication with minor changes, without sending for repeated reviewing;

⦁ to recommend to consider the manuscript after eliminating by the author of the reviewer’s remarks, with the subsequent direction for the repeated reviewing;

⦁ to reject the publication of the manuscript.

9. The editors sends to the authors a copy of the reviews or a motivated refusal. If requested Editorial Board shall send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

10. The text of the review is obligatorily sent to the author/authors without reviewer’s name.

11. In the case of reviewer’s recommendations to rework the manuscript, Article, modified by the authors, is sent for reviewing for the second time together with its original version as soon as possible. Article, retained for a period of more than three months or requiring to be reworked one more time, is considered as a new submission.

12. Manuscripts, rejected after reviewing, are not examined for the second time. Other articles of the authors of rejected manuscripts are accepted for consideration without special preferences.

13. After receiving the necessary reviews on the submitted material, the editorial board takes the final decision about the publication or refusal to publish the manuscript. On request, the editorial board informs the authors about the taken decision and sends to the authors the reviews. 

14. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author has the right to appeal to the editorial board with a reasoned request to send his manuscript for reviewing to another reviewer. In this case, the editorial board sends the manuscript for additional review or provides the author with a reasoned refusal.

15. Reviewing of the article usually takes 20 days. 

16. The reviewing of articles is free of charge.

17. The editorial board reserves the right of reduction and scientific editing of the articles in coordination with the authors.

18. All reviews remain deposited in the editorial archive for 5 years.