
Journal «Science and School», № 5, 2022 year


Literary Studies (10.01.00)


Kodola N. V. Academic studies in university media

Zemlyanskiy A. V., Ignatova I. B. The problem of historical memory and ways of addressing it in the youth media discourse (based on the example of the journalist workshop “Med” projects)

Avtaeva N. O. The role of the media in the revival of the family reading tradition



Akimova A. S. The history of the royal estates in the novel by A. N. Tolstoy Peter the Great


Pedagogical Sciences (13.00.00) / Pedagogics (5.8)


Belousova O. I., Gorokhov S. A., Lutskaya E. E. Features of the general education system of the Siberian Federal District

Podduba S. G., Osipova O. P. Digital educational environment as a strategic resource for the professional development of teachers (using the example of NEPE secondary school “Education Center “Samson”)

Boronenko T. A., Fedotova V. S. General characteristics of the digital competence of a teacher in primary general education



Mironchuk E. V., Mironchuk D. E. The concepts of “competence” and “competency” as general academic and pedagogical categories

Pronina N. A. Professional motivation of a university teacher as a factor of personal and professional growth

Manyakhina V. G. Conditions for blended learning effectiveness

Kashchuk S. M. The experience of steadfast, full and long-term transition to distance learning during the pandemic: new challenges and opportunities in foreign language teaching process organization

Kuklina S. S., Tatarinova M. N. A Modern FLC: a Technique as a Unit of the Activity Constituent of the Emotional and Axiological Component of Foreign Language Education



Niyasova N. S., Kulmametyeva E. S. Research of teenagers’ professional motivation in the process of career guidance for pedagogical specialties

Panfilov M. S. The main problems of teachers in the context of inclusive education in Russia

Gulov A. P. Development of the working program for system preparation for the All-Russian Olympiad in the English language

Sergeev V. S. Normative aspect in teaching limited use vocabulary in lessons of Russian

Dmitrieva D. A., Eremeeva A. P. Selection criteria of oil and gas terminology for its introduction into the educational process (in the framework of the communicative and activity approach)

Mariupolskaya T. G. Musical performance and intoning problems

Shamitova E. N., Alexandrov D. E., Yusov A. A. Experience of developing creative and research abilities of children with depressive disorder in Russian language and literature lessons

Zhestkova E. A. The problem of reading culture formation of younger schoolchildren in the modern educational environment



Korotkova M. V. Academic and methodological foundations of realizing innovative pedagogical technologies with graduate students

Napolskikh N. B. The reflexive dialogue interaction technology in the process of educational and research activities of schoolchildren

Nasyrova A. M. Possibilities of using the ontolinguistic approach in organizing a multilingual educational environment in kindergartens

Frolkova S. S. Cognitive approach as an effective way of presenting material in Russian lessons

Efanova O. A., Lavrishchev A. I. Using web quest technology to organize independent work of students when teaching foreign languages at a university