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Lubkov Alexey Vladimirovich
The reference list of A.V. Lubkov
ScD in History, Professor, Corresponding member, Russian Academy of Education, renowned scientist and teacher, prominent expert in History.
In 1983 graduated with honors from Lenin Moscow State University of Education
In 1990 defended his candidate’s dissertation "Working cooperation in the October revolution". In 1998 defended his doctoral dissertation "Cooperative movement of Central Russia 1907 – 1918".
From 1991 to 2016 he was elected the dean of History Department, Moscow State University of Education, worked as a Chairperson, History Department, Moscow State University of Education, Vice rector, Moscow State University of Education, Vice Rector for scientific work, Vice Rector, Moscow Institute of open education, Adviser to the Rectorate. Since September, 2016 has worked as a Deputy Director at the Department of State policy in the sphere of higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Federation. On November 22, 2016 was appointed as an acting rector for Moscow State University of Education.
In 2005 - 2006 A. V. Lubkov headed the subject section in History of Federal Council for textbooks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, arranged the examination of school textbooks with the participation of representatives of Russian Academy of Science and Russian Academy of Education.
A.V. Lubkov is a member of the Presidium of the Russian association of teachers of history and social sciences, delegate of the I and III Russian congresses of teachers of history. A.V. Lubkov is a chairman of the subject Committee of the Federal State Examination in social sciences (Moscow, 2014 to present time), the expert of Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (2000 – to present time).
Studying the issues of public movement in Russia, historical education, processes of modernization of the Russian society and an education system, identification of axiological aspects of social transformation, and also disclosure of D. I. Shakhovsky, A. A. Tarkovsky and M. N. Katkov's creative heritage comprises the scope of his scientific interests.
A. V. Lubkov is the author of more than 130 scientific works and publications, including the monographs, textbooks and manuals published by the leading publishing houses of the country.
In his educational and scientific works topical issues of modern historical education, updating of its content, structure, methods and methodology of teaching a school course of history and its valuable and semantic basis are presented and solved. These directions are the leading scientific issues in the studies of the general secondary education, priority problems of modernization of all Russian education.
He has supervised two ScDs and seven PhDs in History.
He has the State awards of the USSR and the Russian Federation.